Custom-Like Orthotics

Interpod are designed and owned by Australian Sport Podiatrists. We have made foot orthotics for medical practitioners for over 25 years and now we provide our orthotics online, offering you our orthotic for Pain, as well as supplementary orthotics for enhanced cushioning, optimal performance in sport, and everyday use.


5 year warranty

Pain Orthotic

Maximum Support
Pain Relief
All Shoes



1 year warranty

Comfort Orthotic

Cushioned Support
Shock Absorption
Roomy Shoes



5 year warranty

Sport Orthotic

Moderate Support
Improves Performance
Active Shoes



5 year warranty

Slimfit Orthotic

Light Support
Soothes Tired Feet
Narrow Shoes

Icon of Australia

Orthotics Designed by
Australian Podiatrists

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100% Secure Payment
You Are Safe With Us

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Free Shipping
On orders over $50

Interpod are Comparable to Custom-Made Orthotics

What sets Interpod apart is our advanced and environmentally friendly injection molding process, guaranteeing superior quality while prioritizing sustainability. Unlike the slow and expensive manufacturing techniques used for custom-made orthotics, Interpod delivers comparable effectiveness at a considerably lower cost.

Diagram of an orthotic showing features: Rearfoot Wedge, Cuboid Notch, Plantar Groove, 1st Cutaway
Interpod Orthotics and custom-made orthotic insoles share four essential design features that effectively reduce pain, improve foot biomechanics and comfort by helping the foot to resist pronation and assist supination.


is supported World Wide by University Research

Supporting Research by Podiatry Universities on Interpod

Interpod prefabricated foot orthotic device is capable of decreasing internal tibial rotation

Interpod caused a statistically significant change in frontal plane calcaneal position

there is no difference between the comfort and fit between Interpod and custom made foot orthoses

"The Keystone device is a reliable tool that can be used in clinical and research contexts”

"PURITY INDEX shows a 28% improvement in the transfer of the body’s potential to kinetic energy

"This study suggests the Keystone device is suitable for use for assistance in the prescription of prefabricated orthoses"

How Interpod’s Design Features Benefit You

We have made four key products available online. These core products are highly effective and clinically proven to improve comfort, reduce pain, prevent injury and assist with everyday activities.
icon showing lightning bolts

Reduce Pain

icon of two hands clasped

Provides Support

icon of a bandaged ankle and foot

Improve Injuries

Icon of footsteps

Helps Flat Feet

icon of a bar graph with upwards trending arrow

Improve Performance

icon of a zigzag arrow pointing downwards

Reduce Impacts

Icon of footsteps

High Arch Feet

icon of an egg timer

Improve Recovery

We answer any orthotic concerns or questions you may have.


Please contact us directly via the below form if you require further assistance and we will reply by email or phone.

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